Intensive Care
Patients are placed in the ICU because their status is unstable and they are intensively monitored. We are all familiar with graphical displays... more»
We will improve intensive care medicine with known science and facilitate new opportunities for longer term research. Patients and caregivers alike will benefit from the reduction in pain, improved safety, increased accuracy, reliability and labor reductions associated with the application of automation to blood collection.
Examining blood for indications of health and disease is smart. Blood circulates through all of our organs and disseminates chemical communication among tissues. Blood supplies nutrients, removes waste and distributes medicines. Monitoring blood establishes a listening post on body chemistry. We can "listen to the chemistry talk" and establish the status for our subsystems: cardiovascular, hepatic, endocrine, neurological, reproductive and much more. Blood chemistry indicates that bad things have happened and warns of pending systems failures yet to come.
Patients are placed in the ICU because their status is unstable and they are intensively monitored. We are all familiar with graphical displays... more»
Over centuries, we've learned a lot about medicine by taking averages across many patients and using them to suggest what might work for any individual... more»
Products described here are under development and do not have regulatory clearance anywhere in the world. The products described are not approved for marketing by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The purpose of this website is strictly informational and educational and is not intended to suggest any medical treatment and/or diagnosis.